
04/09/2012 Individual Metering is also in Progress in High-Rise Apartment Buildings

Georgian Water and Power Ltd. continues implementation of individual metering program for Tbilisi population. From July current year high-rise apartment buildings in different districts and settlements of Tbilisi are being metered. At this stage individual meters are being simultaneously installed in 92 such buildings – in Gldanula, Varketili-3, Varketili Upper Plateau, St. Barbara and TEMKA settlements, also, in Vazisubani m/regions, Moscow avenue, Bogdan Khmelnitski and Pipia streets. By the end of August the Company finished metering works in 35 high-rise apartment buildings.

Deputy CEO of Georgian Water and Power Ltd. Helmut Weidel acquainted on-site Besik Gazdeliani, Deputy Head of Local Administration of Isani-Samgori district, with the metering works ongoing in Vazisubani. Building No. 7 is one of the high-rise apartment buildings, for which the company is installing individual metering points for population. In the mentioned building there live 90 customers (families) and their large majority is already metered.

In compliance with the Resolution No. 18 of GNERC, each customer should pay the cost of installation of a metering point. According to the same Resolution, the amount necessary for installation, initially, shall be paid by the Company, and customers will start paying the amount in 6 month after installation of a metering point. This amount shall be distributed over 24 months for customers which they will be paying with the current bill.

Georgian Water and Power commenced implementation of individual metering program for population. At the first stage, the Company started installation of meters in private houses and carried out it simultaneously in different districts of Tbilisi. In parallel with metering of private houses, recently it started metering process in high-rise apartment buildings.

Implementation of the metering program will enable Georgian Water and Power Ltd. to rationalize water consumption per capita, in the result of which it will become possible to stop wasting of water and minimize the losses in the network. Besides, individual metering of the population is one of the important preconditions for reaching uninterrupted water supply for Tbilisi.

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