15/01/2013 24 hour water supply achieved in old borders of Tbilisi
Georgian Water and Power has accomplished its obligation regarding achieving 24 hour water supply in old borders of Tbilisi, according to the contract signed with government on 2008 year 14 May.
Achieving this goal has been accomplished due to complex technical measurements carried out by GWP. Among them are:
1. Reconstruction of head works in Zhinvali, Aragvi gorge and Tbilisi
2. Rehabilitaion of water and wastewater pipelines in Tbilisi
3. Putting in exploitation the reservoirs of Lilo and Vazisubani
4. Carrying out water meter installation program in several districts of the City
5. Equipping 50 small sized pumping stations with newest booster pumps in order to ensure uninterrupted water supply provision to the citizens of Tbilisi
In order to achieve uninterrupted water supply provision in the new borders of Tbilisi, which has to be done by 2015 year, GWP is continuing to carry out different types of technical measurements according to preliminary drawn plan.
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