22/02/2016 Long-term program of emolyees’ professional development has been launched at Georgian Water and Power Company

New program has been launched at Georgian Water and Power Company oriented at professional and career development of the employees.     Introduction of technical innovations  at the company is planned for the current year which requi...


19/02/2016 Georgian Water and Power is to Appeal Against GNERC Decision

Georgian Water and Power considers that due to violation of the licensing terms by GNERC towards the company, the imposed penalty is illegitimate and it causes damage to the company.   The penalty has been imposed post factum, i.e. after the c...


16/02/2016 Georgian Water and Power ‘s Response to Management of Sulfur Baths

Company Georgian Water and Power comments upon today’s statement of the management of Sulfur Baths. According to the company management, current income of Sulfur Baths is far more than enough to enjoy privileges as compared with other commercia...


22/01/2016 Companies of Georgian Water and Power, Rustavi Water and Mtskheta Water warn the metered residential customers against the likelihood of frost

The customers of Tbilisi, Rustavi and Mtskheta, in order to prevent freezing of water supply system and metering points in winter, especially during a couple of days starting from 25 January of the current year, are required to take into consideratio...