13/06/2016 Report to Tbilisi

  Report to Tbilisi on an anniversary of disaster of June 13, 2015  Georgian Water and Power Company reports to the population of Tbilisi on recovery of infrastructure damaged at the time of disaster of June 13, 2015.  Special briga...


10/06/2016 Georgian Water and Power Company held first press-conference within the "Report to Tbilisi” project

  Georgian Water and Power company changes to new stage of public relations. The Company has launched the project of “Account to Tbilisi” since today June 10. The Company’s management will report on its activity to the popula...


09/06/2016 „Report to Tbilisi“

"ჯორჯიან უოთერ ენდ ფაუერი“ თბილისის მაცხოვრებლებს პირველ ანგარიშს 10 ივნისს ჩააბარებს           GWP ხვალიდან ახალ პროექტს იწყებს, რომლის მიზანიც მოსახლეობასთან ღია ურთიერთობა და მათგან უკუკავშირის მიღებ...


09/06/2016 „Report to Tbilisi“

  Georgian Water and Power Company is about to launch a new campaign – stated the director general of GWP Mr. Giorgi Tskhadadze.    GWP announced a new campaign of Report to Tbilisi within the framework of which the management...