
10/04/2014 Delegation of Tbilisi Legislative Assembly Got Familiarized With Characteristics of Work of Headwork of Grmagele and Central Laboratory of Georgian Water And Power Company

Grmagele headwork of Georgian Water and Power company and Central Laboratory controlling drinking water quality located there have been in the focus of attention of delegation of Tbilisi Legislative Assembly today. The first deputy chairman of Tbilisi Legislative Assembly Giorgi Muskhelishvili, chairman of Georgian Dream Fraction – Residents of Tbilisi Guliko Zumbadze and other members of the Assembly visited this important water company of Tbilisi today.


How reliable and stable is water supply of Tbilisi, is the tap water consumption safe in the capital city and how reliable is the drinking water quality control – these are the issues in the context of which general director of Georgian Water and Power Company Giorgi Gachechiladze familiarized the delegation of Legislative Assembly of Tbilisi with the characteristics of work of Grmagele headwork.  He dwelt on the ecologically safe methods and means of raw water treatment and filtration developed for Grmagele headwork and introduced by Tbilisi water company’s specialists.   


The deputation of Tbilisi Legislative Assembly showed interest in the drinking water quality monitoring system as well and for this purpose got familiarized with operation of Central chemical and microbiological laboratory of Georgian Water and Power company. The Laboratory’s specialists familiarized the members of the Legislative Assembly with the data of drinking water comprehensive study. These data demonstrate compliance of the Central Laboratory’s activity with ISO standards and the WHO recommendations for drinking water quality control and evidence that all parameters of drinking water supplied to Tbilisi are significantly lower as compared with maximum allowable level, and that it is absolutely safe and rich in different minerals.   


Central  Chemical and Microbiological Laboratory of Georgian Water and Power Company, which has been granted accreditation  complying with  ISO-17025 standard, coordinates operation of the rest of the laboratories of the Company. Drinking water quality control is continuously carried out as for chemical as for microbiological parameters. 



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