25/05/2014 Georgian Water and Power Arranged Informative Tour for Journalists
Masss media journalists have visited GWP Central Lab for drinking water quality, main head works of Tbilisi and Aragvi Gorge , as well as Zhinvali Hydro complex.
How is Tbilisi supplied with water, how safe is the quality of drinking water running in taps of the capital - those were the topics of informative tour for journalists, which GWP specialists provided about specific character of operation and purpose of different water supply facilities.
The journalists have seen with their own eyes how drinking water quality control system operates at Central Chemical and Microbiological Test Lab and how strictly drinking water delivered to Tbilisi is tested round-the-clock. Specialists of the lab accredited with ISO standards have familiarized the participants of the tour with the data of comprehensive analysis according to which all parameters of drinking water comply with the standard, water is rich with different minerals and is absolutely safe for health of Tbilisi population.
Much attention has been given to production of raw water and those ecologically safe methods and means of filtration which have been introduced by the company’s specialists at the head works in Tbilisi, Natakhtari, Saguramo and Bulachauri. The Journalists have also visited Zhinvali reservoir where water reserve is stored and Zhinvali HPP where electricity for Tbilisi water supply is generated.
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