
26/06/2014 Technical brigade of Georgian Water and Power detected that 11-meter section of sewage collector had been dug out of ground

Technical brigade of Georgian Water and Power detected today, that 11-meter section of reinforced concrete sewage collector of 800 mm had been dug out of ground in Tarieli street, Didi Digomi. The technical brigade visited the above-mentioned  street to liquidate an uncertain damage.  


The residents of Tarieli Street reported the possible fault to the Company’s Hotline. As they said, sewage waters in Tarieli Street of Didi Digomi were flowing out of ground. The technical brigade came to the site and instead of the fault found out that 11-meter section of main sewage pipe had disappeared from the ground. This fact was disclosed during the road works. A road laying heavy vehicle fell into a large hole as the ground opened up under the heavy tractor due to the hollowness caused by the missing pipe.  


According to the foreman of sewerage emergency brigade  of the company they learnt about the tractor’s falling into the hole in Tarieli Street from the workers of the Road Department. The foreman of the brigade assumes that the tractor fell due to the hollowness developed as a result of the lack of a collector. The technical brigade reported the above-mentioned to the manager of the Sewerage Department and the Security Service.  


As head of the Sewerage Department of Georgian Water and Power  Jamila Chachkhalia stated, 11-meter section of the collector is no longer in existence. Just 2-meter section of the pipe has been found while the remaining parts of it have been lost. In addition she said that the reason of collector’s disappearance is uncertain especially as the indicated network used to operate properly. 


Georgian Water and Power  company is carrying out investigation in connection with the above-mentioned fact.

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