
02/10/2014 Georgian Water and Power and City Council Representatives have Visited Works on Main Pipeline in Village Gldani

In near future water supply will be more stable for residents of Gldani, part of Temka, Mukhiani micro regions, Gldanula and Konyaki Settlement. Georgian Water and Power is carrying out rehabilitation of obsolete water supply communications in village Gldani. Particularly, the most problematic section of the main steel (1200 mm) pipeline VII is being replaced, which runs in 26 May Str. in village Gldani. The indicated section of the main pipeline is so corroded that periodically it has been cause of faults. From 2015 with the rehabilitated main pipeline VII, water supply of the following villages within new administrative boundaries of Tbilisi will be more stable. Those are: Gldani, Goraubani, Giorgitsminda, Mukhiani 2, Avchala 2 and adjacent villages.


Eka Beridze Communications and Corporate Services Director and Omar Gotsiridze Deputy Technical Director of Georgian Water and Power Ltd. have familiarized Koba Kobaladze Gldani Majority Deputy of Tbilisi Council and Gocha Babunashvili Chairman of Municipal Planning and Services of Tbilisi with the process of renovation of the main pipeline 1200 mm in 26 May Street. Rehabilitation works in 26 May Street are at the final stage. 220 m of corroded section of the main pipeline have been replaced and the remaining 50 m will be completed within the next few days. After that new multipurpose valves will be installed and the replaced section will be connected to the main pipeline.      


Rehabilitation of the main pipeline VII in 26 May Street is being carried out in compliance with Investment program of the current year. Within the framework of which Company Georgian Water and Power will entirely replace obsolete underground communications in 65 streets of Tbilisi. Total length of the rehabilitated network will exceed 60 km. At present the works have been completed in 60 streets of the following districts: Didube – Chugureti, Saburtalo, Samgori, Nadzaladevi, Vake, Gldani and Mtatsminda. At present Georgian Water and Power with Tbilisi City Hall is working on developing rehabilitation program for 2015.  


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