03/03/2015 Georgian Water and Power plans to install additional valves in Samgori head building
"Georgian Water and Power" is going to carry out complex technical works on Samgori head building on 4 March. Namely, the company will install two additional 1000 mm valves on 1000mm water main conduit coming out of Samgori object. Carrying out the works requires emptying the networks from water. Due to the additional valves, Samgori headwork will operate more stably.
The implementation of the works will begin on March 5, 01:00 and finish on 6 March 07:00, water supply will be restricted to the following:
· Upper Plateau II m / region, upper plateau settlement, as well as Samgori streets and a part of settlements
"Georgian Water and Power" will do its best to complete technical works in the shortest possible period of time. Water supply will be restored starting from 6 March 07:00
"Georgian Water and Power" apologizes for inconveniences caused by water supply limiting and will do its best to complete technical works in the shortest possible period of time.
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