
23/03/2015 It is your vital product – more than just water GWP held an action to celebrate international day of water

GWP held mini actions at several squares of Tbilisi together with students of Tbilisi Ilia Vekua school of physics and mathematics.  


The actions were held at inoperative fountains in Round Garden in Vake, Bukia Garden in Pekin street and Rose Garden in Agmashenebeli avenue. In connection with the international day of water resources’ protection GWP undertakes to maintain the drinking fountains from now on   so that to ensure their uninterrupted use by the residents of Tbilisi. Exhibitions of photos were arranged near those fountains to show how water is treated and processed to make a vital product – drinking water before it reaches the taps of residents of Tbilisi.  


Within the framework of the action the students of Tbilisi Ilia Vekua school of physics and mathematics distributed flyers to the citizens visiting the squares and drew their attention to the necessity of saving water resources and using them efficiently.  

On the same day GWP celebrates the international day of water resources protection with special contest via Facebook. One can join the contest today by midnight (12.00). Anybody can visit the Georgian Water and Power - GWP LTD, Official, - get familiarized with the contest’s conditions and participate in it. Author of the best slogan  to be revealed by the amount of “likes” will become a winner

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