
09/04/2015 „Georgian Water and Power“carries out work to put into shape the roadway covering in Digomi village

Upon completion of water supply works GWP puts into shape the roads in Digomi village. The road metalling and asphalting works are going on at the moment. The company is setting right the roadway covering of all the roads where the networks were laid to provide 24-hour  water supply for Digomi village, including Atoneli, Baratashvili, Rustaveli, SarajiShvili, Kakutsa Cholokashvili, Topchishvili streets and blind alleys.   The company constructed two pumping stations to ensure water supply of Digomi village and arranged 23 km new main and distribution networks. Director of the company for technical operations management Mamuka Kikaleishvili inspected the ongoing works in Rustaveli street of Digomi village today.

As he stated “GWP had fulfilled its obligation as regards the 24-hour water supply of Tbilisi in new administrative borders. According to him water is supplied to Digomi village in 24-hour mode. Presently the company is setting right and reinstating the village roads.

 GWP finished constructing individual complete systems of water supply in the villages and settlements included in new administrative borders of Tbilisi at the end of 2014.  In cooperation with the capital city’s government the company constructed 2 new pumping stations village and arranged new main and distribution networks of 23 km length, as well as installed locking and regulatory valves and arranged the nodal wells on water conduit, prepared for operation the drinking water existing reservoir.  All the customers of the company, who live in Digomi village, can enjoy 24-hour water supply following the connection of the newly built system to the single water supply system of Tbilisi since 2015.


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