22/02/2016 Long-term program of emolyees’ professional development has been launched at Georgian Water and Power Company
New program has been launched at Georgian Water and Power Company oriented at professional and career development of the employees.
Introduction of technical innovations at the company is planned for the current year which requires high qualification of the employees. In view of the aforesaid the new program envisages rising of professional level of the employees with the aid of the experts employed by the company at the first stage. The new program is a long-term project consisting of several stages.
GWP Human Capital Development Department selected very experienced seven expert-employees under the program to share experience to the company’s employees and to administrate for this purpose five topical modules. The selected professionals will retrain a group composed of 32 employees of the company at the first stage. The company took actions for the experts training as trainers and development of necessary skills in advance.
The trainings at the initial stage will be held in different directions:1. Safe drinking water; minimization of risks – trainers: Tamar Nikuradze, head of central chemical and microbiological testing laboratory; Alexandra Palavandishvili, quality manager of central chemical and microbiological testing laboratory; Giorgi Demurishvili, technologist of operations division of Samgori Filter Station; 2. History of water supply of Georgia and Tbilisi, stages of development of Tbilisi water supply system, water resources of the world and Georgia – trainer Nikoloz Kakushadze, head of passportization division; 3. Water extraction existing and up-to-date methods, development of alternative ways; water treatment and transportation – trainer Gia Magradze, head of pumping stations and reservoirs department; 4. Water supply and sewage systems designing basics, project treatment and designing – trainer: Marina Natsvlishvili, head of designing division; 5. Ensuring proper operation of the water supply local system’s water piping networks; regulation of optimum regime - trainer: Yevgeni Timonin, assets registration and development director.
“Employees professional and career development program” will continue in Georgian Water and Power within a year. GWP plans to invite external experts at the next stages of the program so that to ensure the study of strategic approaches and modern trends for the company.
Trainers’ Biographies
Nikoloz Kakushadze
Head of GWP Passportization Division
1963-1970 – Tbilisi Polytechnic University – profession - water supply and sewerage systems engineer.
He has been working in water supply sphere since 1970. He was a lecturer at Georgian Technical University for several years.
He will provide training on: Water supply history of Georgia and Tbilisi; Stages of development of Tbilisi water supply system; Water resources in the world and Georgia.
Aim of the course: Providing general information on importance of water supply.
Gia Magradze
Head of Department of Pumping Stations and Reservoirs of GWP
1975-1983 – Tbilisi Polytechnical University, faculty of Power Engineering, profession – Power supply of industrial cities and agriculture.
He has been working in water supply sphere since 1975. He was in charge of head works of Aragvi Gorge for many years.
He will provide training on: Methods of water production and alternative means; Water treatment and delivery.
Aim of the course: Providing complete information on methods of drinking water production and treatment; Facilitating progress of alternative means in future.
Marine Natsvlishvili
Head of GWP Designing Division
1994-1998 – Tbilisi Technical University – Bachelor’s degree, faculty of Hydro engineering, profession – water supply and sewerage systems.
1998-2000 – Tbilisi Technical University – Master’s degrees, faculty of Hydro engineering, rational use and protection of water resources.
She has been working in water supply sphere since 2006. She is Associated Professor of Technical University, Doctor (Thesis subject: Construction of Water Supply and Sewerage Safety System).
She will provide training on: Fundamentals of Designing of Water Supply and Sewerage Systems, Project Development.
Aim of the course: Capabilities of project development.
Evgeny Timonin
Director of GWP Assets Registration and Development
1998-2003 - Tomsk State University of Architecture and Construction
He has been working in water supply sphere since 2005.
He will provide training on: Proper Functioning of Culverts of Local Water Supply Systems
Aim of the course: Control of optimum conditions in the networks.
Tamar Nikuradze
Head of GWP Central Chemical and Microbiological Test Laboratory
1990-1995 – Georgian Technical University; Faculty – Chemistry.
Qualification: Engineer – chemist technologist; Ecology and Protection of Natural Resources;
She has taken several courses and trainings on water quality and standards compliance.
She has been working for Central Lab of the company since 1995.
Alexandra Palavandishvili
Quality Control Manager of GWP Central Chemical and Microbiological Test Laboratory
1977-1982 – Georgian Polytechnical Institute, Faculty – Chemistry.
She has taken several courses and trainings on water quality and standards compliance.
She has been working for the company since 2011 as senior chemist of the central lab.
She has been a technical evaluator of Georgian Accreditation Center and Chairman of Committee of Technical Advisers since 2012.
Giorgi Demurishvili
GWP Senior Technologist of Operations and Maintenance Division of Samgori Head Work
2001-2005 - Georgian Technical University, faculty of Chemistry and Biology
2005-2007 - Georgian Technical University, faculty of Chemistry and Metallurgy – MA course
2008-2012 Georgian Technical University, faculty of Chemistry and Metallurgy Doctoral candidacy
Qualification: Engineer – Technologist of Chemical Manufacture.
He has been experienced in water supply, operations and restoration of technological equipment, as well as in technological process control: Filtration of drinking water, chlorination, coagulation and treatment with active agents.
Training on: Drinking water safe for health; Risk minimization
Tamar Nikuradze – In compliance with Order 297/n – Protection of Sanitary Zones of Water Supply facilities; Quality Control of Drinking Water – in compliance with Technical Regulations of Georgia
Giorgi Demurishvili – Quality Control of Water Supply Sources (Surface and Underground) –in compliance with Decree of Government of Georgia
Alexandra Palavandishvili – in compliance with ISO/IEC 17025 - Accreditation of the lab controlling quality of drinking water.
Aim of the training: Decreasing risks for contamination of drinking water and providing safe water to the population.
The 5 module course has been intended for GWP technical personnel.
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