16/02/2016 Georgian Water and Power ‘s Response to Management of Sulfur Baths
Company Georgian Water and Power comments upon today’s statement of the management of Sulfur Baths. According to the company management, current income of Sulfur Baths is far more than enough to enjoy privileges as compared with other commercial or noncommercial customers. The indicated organizations shall pay according to the tariff established by GNERC and which all noncommercial customers of the capital pay. Especially since the tariff in Tbilisi is lower as compared with the other cities.
According to the company management the tariff (fee) established verbally for the baths has not been adequate as of today and they, similar to other organizations and population shall comply with the tariff established by GNERC.
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26/07/2024 Georgia Global Utilities announces issuance of $300 Million Green Bonds
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