
27/04/2016 GWP addresses to the owners of the baths - do not dare to close the baths!

Legal adviser of GWP Imeda Dvalidze makes comments on the statement of the sulfur baths representatives and says that the public speech of Nodar Totoghashvili, director of Narikala Ltd, is another attempt to mislead the general public.


"The statement of the sulfur baths representative was made yesterday to announce about the continuation of protest actions and accuse Georgian Water and Power in establishing for them unfair tariffs for the use of the waste water drainage (sewage) system.


According to them in case Georgian Water and Power fails to make fair decision they will take extreme measures that may adversely affect the operation of the baths, and eventually lead them to close.


I declare that such a statement is a usual blackmail, which serves to put pressure not only on GWP but also on the City Hall, GNERC and the Court. I have to make an explicit statement to the attention of the baths’ representatives - do not dare to close the baths! – taking such an action, when the dispute has been already taken to the court and the preparatory meeting is expected in the nearest time, is geared towards nothing else but blackmail and pressure. And the blackmail is usually used when one has no arguments "- says Dvalidze.


According to him, the baths’ owners, being ordinary private business entities, request in an unappealable manner a preferential tariff from Georgian Water and Power, which is also a private business entity. "Representatives of the opposed party say that they are expecting a fair decision from Georgian Water and Power". I would like to tell them that the company had already made a fair decision when it established for the use of the water drainage system by them the tariffs similar to the tariffs paid by absolutely all business entities of the capital city, without exception.


The tariffs of the Company, which is a natural monopoly, are regulated by the Georgian National Energy and Water Regulatory Commission. New management of GWP requests from the sulfur baths to pay right the above-mentioned water bill, not a single tetri more "- says Dvalidze.


According to him, it is true when Mr. Totoghashvili says that Georgian Water and Power is discussing with them only the accumulated debt restructuring issue. "Yes, it is so, and this is also the Company's good will toward the sulfur baths owners. They either have to agree to the terms of the debt restructuring, or present their arguments to the court, to which, by the way, have resorted we, and not them.


All other cases, like the protests of the baths’ personnel, the threats of closure, and other,  only represent the blackmail attempt, as I mentioned before.


Our company is not subject to blackmail. No decisions are made through blackmail threats. There is the only truth which is not in favor of the sulfur baths owners. That’s why the unreasoned opponents avoid it trying to mislead the public.

Once again I appeal to them - return to the legal framework, present your arguments (if any) to the court, stop blackmailing  and do not dare to close the baths ", - says legal adviser of GWP Imeda Dvalidze.


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