09/06/2016 "Report to Tbilisi"
Georgian Water and Power Company implementing major investment projects in 2016
General director of GWP Giorgi Tskhadaze pointed out the above in conversation with the Resonansi paper journalist.
According to information provided by Mr. Tskhadze the following investment projects are being implemented at this stage:
rehabilitation of more than 100 kilometers of networks in 140 streets; installation of more than 6 000 new control valves of European standards; rehabilitation of Zhinvali diversion tunnel; construction of 4.4 megawatt hydropower plant of Saguramos; rehabilitation of Bodorna-Grmagele 38-kilometer tunnel. Construction of a new hydropower plant of Bodorna is also planned. The aforesaid project is currently at the stage of research. According to GWP data more than 1,000 people will be additionally employed in the process of the said works. "I would like to emphasize, that these are the investments, which the company considers as appropriate and necessary for the development of water supply system", - says George Tskhadaze.
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