
17/06/2016 Georgian Water and Power Statement

Given the timeliness of the topic, we would like to brief you at a level of facts on an issue concerning the dispute between GWP and 5 sulfur baths. We would like to remind you that occasion of the dispute is the baths’ reluctance to pay GWP the sewage services existing debt which has been accumulated for more than a year.

 Presently the dispute between the business entities has been taken to the court. Since this is a high-profile issue GWP decided to provide to the public accurate and unbiased information about the process.

 Despite availability of the legal mechanisms GWP has demonstrated good will so that not to cut off the supply of water and not to arrest the sulfur baths’ accounts, because we do not want to hinder the functioning of the business.

 New management of GWP has been able to technically meter wastewater discharge of the baths since February, 2015 and on the basis of the tariff established by Energy and Water Regulatory Commission of Georgia, which amounts to 0.85 tetri per cubic meter of wastewater, imposed appropriate payments on each sulfur bath.

 We would like to clarify that the tariffs have not changed, the Company has just become able to track the amount of wastewater discharged by the baths into the sewers.

 Managers of the baths refuse to pay the legally imposed amount trying to attract the attention of the government and the GNERC in various ways.

 According to the baths, depending on the specifics of their business, the baths are unable to turn the sulfur water off, which is why the discharge takes place within 24 hours.

 Right for these specific features GWP provides 24-hour uninterrupted service to the baths and carries the sulfur waters through its collector to Gardabani treatment plant, which significantly affects the Company's infrastructure and makes the Company incur substantial expenses. These costs are calculated in accordance with the GNERC wastewater tariff, because otherwise our business will not be able to function. However, if it comes to specifics, GWP is the company supplying high quality drinking water to the population of Tbilisi in an uninterrupted mode round the clock and ensuring continuous sanitation services.

 The Company cannot make exceptions and impose lower tariff on the baths, because in doing so it will discriminate the other companies.

 Prior to taking the dispute to the court GWP offered the sulfur baths distribution of the accumulated debt, but never received approval. Many times we had attempts to negotiate the issue but came upon destructive actions of the baths managers.

 In spite of the above facts GWP continuous provision of uninterrupted services to the baths and categorically confronts this type of statements and actions.



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