
24/06/2016 Georgian Water and Power Weekly Reports to the Population


Georgian Water and Power Company together with Georgia’s Innovation and Technology Agency launched new project for the development of water supply sector. Authors of the best projects revealed by the Employment Forum and Creaton will be invited to Georgian Water and Power Company for three-month internship program and further employment prospect.


As for the construction of new hydropower plant of Saguramo, the process is in its active phase. All the European-made units and power equipment necessary for the operation of Saguramo HPP have been already delivered to Georgia. The works aimed at the HPP commissioning are going on currently.


The setting in operation of Saguramo HPP is planned in October which will ensure continuous supply of power to the GWP head works and pumping stations.


The Company continues rehabilitation works in various districts of Tbilisi throughout this week.


The works are being carried out in Tskitishvili street of Nadzaladevi district. About 1 km of water supply and sewage networks will be replaced. The rehabilitation works in Bogvi Street of the same district are at the stage of completion, where a 800- meter section of the water supply system will be changed. The works going on in I Gvazauri deadlock are also at the completion stage and an amortized section of 150 meters of the water pipe will be replaced.


In Avchala 2 area of Gldani district the company is carrying out the central water system upgrading. 300-meter section of the water pipe will be replaced.


Technical works are being done in the same district in the first Moreti lane and 600-meter section of water supply and sewage is about to be replaced. 


Company has also started works to upgrade 500-meter water supply network in Baratashvili street of the same district.


In Ponichala  of  Krtsanisi district a 600-meter section of amortized sewer network is about to be replaced.


The said works will ensure stable water supply to Tbilisi.



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