
08/07/2016 Georgian Water and Power Company makes weekly report to the population of Tbilisi



Management of GWP held a meeting with the economic experts in connection with the company's strategic development plans today, July 8.


The Company representatives familiarized the invited guests with important investment trends. They discussed some projects for the infrastructure upgrade, new technologies introduction, rehabilitation of water supply and infrastructure of the capital city.


GWP and Innovations and Technologies Agency successfully completed on July 4  Employment Forum they had organized by joint efforts. The jury identified three teams with the most innovative ideas and gave them cash awards.


The company launched a zoning project, which ensures water loss reduction.

The Company opened in Isani-Samgori district the first business center to implement the zoning project.


The work to put in operation new hydropower plant of Saguramo HPP is at its active stage. The company has started already the works to install hydroelectric turbine generators and other technical plants.  Commissioning of Saguramo HPP is scheduled for October which will ensure uninterrupted power supply to GWP  head works and pumping stations.


The company continues to work on rehabilitation of the streets. In particular the work to replace 200-meter section of water main started in  III quarter of  XI micro district of Temka in Nadzaladevi.


The rehabilitation process of 140-meter section of 1200 mm water main is going on in Lochini ravine of Samgori district.


Ongoing rehabilitation works in Tskitishvili street of Nadzaladevi district are about to be completed and water supply and sewerage networks are to be replaced.


Rehabilitation process of water supply and sewerage networks in Moretti Street of Gldani district is also at the completion stage.



The said works will ensure stable water supply of the above-mentioned districts.



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