
28/07/2016 Statement of Georgian Water and Power Company


Georgian Water and Power Company is carrying out  technical and restoration work on water main network in Gagarin street of Saburtalo district.

The Works require the water main network to be emptied.

In this connection water supply will be discontinued today, July 28, from 16:00 pm to 20:00 pm to the following:

Didube district: part of Ljubljana Street, N40  Beliashvili street.

Saburtalo district: Digomi 8, George Balanchine street, the US embassy, the ​​ objects located on the right bank, Goodwill adjacent streets and Balanchivadze street.

Vake district: Vazha-Pshavela residential areas, Nutsubidze micro districts, Nutsubidze Street, Delisi I, II, III streets, Zakariadze, Kavtaradze, Gamrekeli, Gurieli, Marijani, Chikovani streets, Vazha-Pshavela avenue from Delisi metro to Marijani Street (N41- to the end and N48- to the end), Kazgeghi avenue N 30-46, Mindeli, Sandro Euli and Jikia streets, O. Chkheidze, G.Gegechkoris, M.Chakhavas, E.Maghalashvili, O.Lortkipanidze and M.Baratashvili streets.

The water supply will be resumed gradually, immediately upon the works completion.

GWP will provide to its customers information on water supply discontinuation and resumption in advance, by SMS notifications. Detailed information can be found on the company's Hotline at 2 93 11 11, or via the website and FB at

Georgian Water and Power Company apologizes for diskomfort caused to the consumers and and will try to complete the work in a short time.

"Georgian Water and Power" (GWP)

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