12/07/2010 Rehabilitation works in Rustavi
July 12, at 10:00 Joerg Matthies General Director of “Rustavis tskali” and Mamuka Chikovani Rustavi Mayor visited current rehabilitation works on Rustavi water supply system on site.
Company “Rustavis tskali” has started a large-scale works this year. It is foreseen to rehabilitate water supply and sewage networks in nineteen streets. GEL 2 mln are allocated for the implementation of the project.
The reconstruction works in Rustavi streets started three months ago. The following water supply and sewage pipes have already been repaired and put into operation: Microregions 20-21, 7-8, 15-16, Megobroba, Baratashvili, Constitution, Tbilisi, Balanchivadze, Mumladze and Leonidze streets. Within the framework of the executed works amortized pipes have been replaced with high quality pipes.
At present simultaneous works are being carried on the section of buildings 43-47 in Megobroba Str., as well as in Meskhishvili, Tavgorashvili and Marjanishvili streets.
Due to service life and amortization of the pipes there are often failures in the city which constantly cause delays in water supply of the city and drinking water losses. Local damages harm the company. After completion of the scheduled rehabilitation works of “Rustavis tskali” water losses will drop sharply and they will provide reliable and quality service of the city.
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