
11/03/2011 Briefing regarding water quality

Today at 11 am general director of GWP held a briefing on the quality of drinking water in Tbilisi. The briefing took place at the head office of GWP and it was attended by the director of Natadze Scientific Research Institute of Sanitary and Hygiene  professor Marina Guiorgobiani and director of independent multi-test laboratory Levan Kalandadze. 
GWP declares with full responsibility, that water running from the tap and used by population of Tbilisi for drinking meets the national standards and the WHO recommendations in full. Hence any information or irresponsible statement questioning the compliance of drinking water in Tbilisi with quality standards is absolute disinformation and aims to create disbelief and distrust regarding the company and its product quality among the population - pointed out Joerg Matthies.  

Director of Scientific Research Institute of Sanitary and Hygiene  professor Marina Guiorgobiani stated that the research carried out by the institute in 2009-2010 revealed no violations. According to her the research results evidence that quality of drinking water of Tbilisi is one of the best in Europe.
Director of independent laboratory of Multi-Test Levan Kalandadze said that the analysis performed by their laboratory in accordance with international standards did not reveal neither microbial nor any other pollution of drinking water in Tbilisi, which is certified by respective minutes. 
GWP explores  the quality of drinking water by all chemical, bacteriological and parasitological parameters. According to the analysis all parameters are significantly lower than maximum allowed parameter  and no microorganisms and parasites are found at all in the sample of drinking water. Accordingly neither microbial pollution nor even insignificant pollution is revealed in Tbilisi, which is confirmed by the conclusions of the laboratory. 
Before receiving drinking water the company cleans water  multiple times with coagulants  and active carbon, filters by natural filtrates, carries out primary and secondary chlorination. Quality of water is examined in uninterrupted automatic regime and specialists of rlaboratory control it in Ghrmaghele and Samgori filter stations continuously and on all headworks  in Aragvi gorge. Water quality is permanently controlled in Tbilisi water supply networks as well.  

GWP appeals to population and declares with full responsibility that quality of drinking water in Tbilisi completely complies with the standards and its consumption creates no danger to the health of population. 

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