16/08/2012 Intensive Rehabilitation Works are on in Gldani V and VII m/r

Today, Deputy CEO of Georgian Water and Power Ltd., Mr. Helmut Weidel, together with other managers of the Company, introduced rehabilitation works being in progress in V and VII m/r in Gldani to Nodar Sandukhadze, Head of Gldani-Nadzaladevi Administ...


26/07/2012 Rustavi Water opens new service center

Rustavi Water has finished refurbishing a new service center. Company hopes that renewed service center, will offer its customer more comfortable environment. Opening ceremony was attended by the deputy CEO of Rustavi Water - Helmut Weidel and Rusta...


21/06/2012 Central Lab recieved ISO accreditation

Central chemical and microbiological laboratory of Georgian Water and Power Ltd obtained accreditation complying with ISO-17025 standard. The ISO was granted based on all the factors and requirements to be satisfied in full by any laboratory controll...


16/06/2012 GWP continues rehabilitation works

CEO of Georgian Water and Power - Joerg Matthies, along with other company representatives acqainted Tbilisi Mayor - Gigi Ugulava with ongoing rehabilitation works carried out on water and wastewater main pipelines. In order to see the process, they ...