04/06/2011 Contact us on Hot line - 2 93 11 11

We would like to inform you that due to changes implemented by telephone operators, from 4th of June you need to add number "2" to the city numbers. To contact us on company"s hot line please dial: 2 93 11 11...


02/06/2011 Presents for Satnoeba orphanage

GWP has visited orphanage Satnoeba in Africa today. Nikoloz Bakhtadze administration director of GWP congratulated children with world’s children day and presented 45 youngsters with sport shoes, T-shirts, summer shoes and bags for girls. Compa...


01/06/2011 Water meter installation process started in Tbilisi

CEO of “Georgian Water and Power” Joerg Matthies together with the deputy mayor of Tbilisi Tariel Khizaneishvili, visited working process of water meter installation in Vake-Saburtalo region, which is being implemented in the frames of wa...


31/05/2011 Water metering process in Rustavi has begun

CEO of “Rustavi Water” Joerg Matthies together with the Kvemo Kartli region governor David Kirkitadze and Rustavi mayor Zakaria Darchiashvili held a briefing today. Joint statement was made at the briefing related to the beginning of indi...