16/02/2010 Georgian Water and Power and Tbilisi Municipality Conducted a Briefing about Beginning a Joint Campaign

Georgian Water and Power and Tbilisi Municipality start a 2010 year new campaign of relations with the customers, one of the main points of which is debt restructuring for Tbilisi population. The action will start on February 22 and last till the end...


26/01/2010 GWP signed memorandum of collaboration with Ilia State University

26 of January, Georgian Watar and Power signed memorandum of collaboration with Ilia State University. In the frames of the memorandum, Ilia State University"s Bachelors, Master"s, PhD and most successful students will take probation course...


19/01/2010 GWP hosted more than 2000 socially vulnerable citizens with hot dinner

On 19 January on the holiday of Epiphany Georgian Water and Power and Catharsis Association held a joint action - Dinner to All. The host company - Georgian Water and Power treated with free hot dinners socially vulnerable population,  about 20...


21/12/2009 Satnoeba orphanage children delivered a concert at Royal District Theatre

Satnoeba orphanage children delivered a concert at Royal District Theatre named - We Are Together Forever on 21 December, at 18:00 o"clock.Concert was inspired and organized by Satnoeba orphanage, event was sponsored by Georgian Water and P...