20/06/2010 GWP Builds Ascension Church in Zhinvali

On 20th of June  with the blessing of Georgian Patriarchate foundation has been laid for the construction of Ascension Church in Aragvi Gorge. Georgian Water and Power carries out this charity project. Georgian Water and Power will all...


15/06/2010 GWP awards winner student team

Companies awarded winners of Ilya University students’ project. The students’ project is an intellectual game aimed at students’ professional skills and critical thinking development. The students’ project has been initiated ...


14/06/2010 Missunderstanding for the water debt

Responsibility for missunderstanding concerning the water dept repaynment  completely taken by “OSMP” Missunderstanding for the water debt repainment occured yesterday has not been coused by GWP.We would like to clarify that one of ...


01/06/2010 Gifts for inmates of children’s home “Satnoeba” from GWP

On the occasion of the International Children’s Day, children’s’ home “Satnoeba” received guests from GWP.    The working day of Mr. J. Matthies, Chief Executive Officer, began with the visit to children&r...