19/07/2016 Water Supply of Samgori District will Significantly be Improved

  Georgian Water and Power Ltd. is carrying out rehabilitation works in Africa settlement, adjacent to Lochini ravine.   Technical works are in their active phase, 220 m section of d=1200 mm water supply main is being replaced.   ...


18/07/2016 Economic Experts Surveyed Facilities of Georgian Water & Power Company

Economic experts saw around the water supply facilities of Georgian Water and Power company on July 16.   During the tour the guests visited Grmagele Filter Satation and Central laboratory of water quality control where water analysis is being...


15/07/2016 Georgian Water and Power Company makes weekly report to the population of Tbilisi

  On July 9 graduates of the first stage of GWP Academy together with their mentors saw around the facilities of Georgian Water and Power company.   35 students of the Academy visited Grmagele filter station, Saguramo pumping station and...


11/07/2016 Graduates of the first stage of "GWP Academy" saw around GWP facilities

  Human Capital Development Department of Georgian Water and Power company held a tour on Saturday, July 9 to conduct practical studies for the graduates of the first stage of GWP Academy.   35 students of the Academy together with their...