21/10/2010 Zhinvali Hydro Power Plant celebrating 25 years

In 2010 Zhinvali unique hydrocomplex celebrated 25 th anniversary since its putting into operation.  Today in connection with this remarkable date the company, which has been managing the hydrocomplex since May 2008,  held an anniversary e...


13/10/2010 This is Your Vital Product – Save Water!

In the framework of  the week of local democracy organized by the EC, several joint events have been carried out by Tbilisi Municipality and “Georgian Water and Power” Ltd. The events aim to promote saving of water resources and the ...


27/09/2010 GWP built equal reproduction of the Holy Cross Church in Zhinvali

  A new church started to function on the left flank of Zhinvali dam near the village of Chinti on September 27, on the holiday of the Ascension of the Cross.The Holy Cross Church was blessed by the Tsilkani eparchy metropolitan Zosime who admi...


14/09/2010 GWP Presented “Satnoeba” Inmates with School Books

On September 14, GWP management visited orphanage “Satnoeba" and presented it"s inmates with school books and stationary. GWP Administrative Director Nikoloz Bakhtadze made presents for 45 inmates of the orphanage on the occasion of beginning ...